About Me
Hey there, I'm Tazz! I'm a game designer with a specialty in combat design and a broad range of multidisciplinary experience.

I've been developing games for almost 15 years, since I published my first game at the age of 14. Over the years, I've worked in a variety of environments from solo development to managing small and medium-sized teams. My solo-developed games have amassed over 3 million plays in total, with the most played individual game sitting at just over 1.2 million. More recently, I've taken the role of Game Design Lead on a fighting game called Rushdown Revolt.

While game design has always been my primary focus, I've worn many different hats in my time as a game developer. I've taken up roles and performed tasks across many different domains, including game system design, combat design, engine programming, tool development, copywriting, VFX implementation, market research, analytics, sound design, and more.
★★★  Game Design
★★★  Software Devleopment
★★  Project Management
3yrGame Design & Engineering Team Lead
12yrSolo Game Development
2yrFreelance Software Development
Navigating this portfolio
This portfolio contains a lot of information, organized via the gallery of projects and anecdotes below. To read more about a specific item, click on it to bring up a detailed information page.

My goal is to provide a viewport into a wide range of situations so that you can form your own opinions of my capabilities. I would encourage browsing through the gallery below and checking out the items that interest you, but if you're short on time, I'd recommend taking a look at the Raymer Character Spotlight, my participation in RushRev's Character Production Pipeline, or an overview of my latest Flash game, Press The Button.

If you're really short on time, you could simply check out my resume instead.
Rushdown Revolt
A collection of anecdotes and showcases from my work as design lead on Rushdown Revolt.
Older Stuff
Published games and personal projects from my time as a solo developer.

(Most of these games are no longer playable due to the absence of Flash support in modern web-browsers.)
Feel free to send me an email at TazzStieglitz@gmail.com for any reason. I'll do my best to answer as quickly as I'm able!